miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019


Study Your Property And Make a List of its Selling Points

Before you even tell any of your friends and family members that you’re selling your home, take the time to come up with a plan of attack. First of all, you can’t sell unless you know your inventory. What would make a buyer choose your home instead of someone else’s?

Write down all the basic information about your house such as lot size, construction size, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, location, and specific details about your house that would entice a buyer.

To get an idea of how experts advertise their properties, go on Realtors’ websites in your area, Zillow.com, and Realtor.com. Pay close attention to which aspects of their properties they highlight.

When you understand your property’s selling points and highlight them in your marketing process, you significantly increase your chances of success.

2. Check All Relevant Real Estate Laws in Florida

Before you’re stressed out in the in the middle of negotiations, marketing efforts and the general chaos of selling a home, take the time to research any applicable real estate laws in Florida. While you can find contract and agreement templates online, those are usually general and may need tweaking to apply to your specific transaction.

It’s always best to have a real estate attorney to help you review documents and contracts, and to assist you with any specific clauses related to your real estate transaction.  

3. Price Your Property to Sell

The biggest mistake anyone selling a home can make is not pricing their property to sell. It’s a lot more common than you think because we are all biased about the value of our own homes. Even real estate professionals are not immune to it when they sell their own homes. That’s why you have to rely on hard, cold data when pricing your home.

When a real estate agent prices a home, first he or she goes on the location’s Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in order to find comparable properties that have sold recently, in order to get an idea what the market can bear. Aspects to compare include location, square feet, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, age of the property, time on the market, and above all, the amount it sold for. Real estate agents also compare properties that are listed right now, so they get an idea of who they’re competing against.

In your case, you may not have access to said database, but you can still go online and find comparable properties yourself on real estate agencies’ websites, Zillow.comRealtor.com and even Craigslist.

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019

Muebles de Jardín en Jardín de Nerja

En los últimos años el mobiliario de exterior ha evolucionado en diseño y confort tanto como el que utilizamos para decorar el resto de la casa. La oferta existente para conseguir una mesa o un sofá para la terraza y el jardín no tiene nada que envidiar a la que encontramos para equipar el comedor o el salón. Sin embargo, en su caso, para el tiempo que van a pasar al aire libre, es importante que cumplan con las garantías básicas de calidad y resistencia en los materiales. Por lo tanto, debemos asegurarnos de que sean soluciones adaptadas al agua o a los rayos del sol.

En El Jardín de Nerja hemos consultado el catálogo de varias tiendas online para ofrecer una selección de mobiliario y decoración exterior que nos permitirá renovar la zona de jardín y terraza para la próxima temporada, combinando calidad y funcionalidad. Luces, paraguas, tumbonas o mesas para disfrutar del buen tiempo en compañía.

Para iluminar las noches de verano puede ser muy eficaz esta guirnalda de 10 metros de largo que incluye 80 luces LED en blanco cálido y un mando a distancia con 13 teclas para regularlas. Además del blanco cálido también puedes comprar otros cuatro colores aunque el precio varía ligeramente dependiendo de cuál elijas. El diámetro de las bombillas es de 19 milímetros y se puede elegir entre ocho efectos de luz diferentes. Este producto ha recibido una calificación de 4,4 estrellas de cinco en Jardin de Nerja. Quienes lo han comprado dicen, por ejemplo, que es "una gran guirnalda". Bastante luminoso, y el hecho de que incorpore mando a distancia para regular tanto los programas de luces como la intensidad de las mismas, hace imprescindible crear un entorno único.

Son cojines cuadrados de 40x40 centímetros, diseñados para caber en sillas de exterior. Incluyen dos lazos en las esquinas para facilitar la fijación a los asientos y están disponibles en diez colores diferentes, incluyendo el marrón chocolate, el verde o el rosa. Se pueden lavar en la lavadora ya que la funda es de algodón y poliéster y la tapicería de poliéster es muy cómoda. Esto es indicado por varios comentarios en el sitio web de Jardin de Nerja: "Grueso y cómodo. Lavable a máquina. El acabado textil es bueno y el grosor los hace cómodos para las sillas de madera.

Estos cojines también están disponibles en varias tonalidades para tumbonas de terraza o de jardín. Una gran ventaja es que son cojines hidrófugos. Además, la tapa también se puede retirar para insertarla en la lavadora en cualquier momento. Cada cojín mide 196 x 60 x 5 centímetros y pesa 180 gramos. Las fundas incluyen tiras a los lados para fijarlas y una banda en la espalda para asegurar el respaldo.

Con una capacidad de 305 litros, este baúl es ideal para guardar todo tipo de utensilios en el porche o terraza. Está hecho de ratán, por lo que se adapta a la naturaleza y a cualquier clima. Gracias a su diseño sobrio y elegante, se adapta a diferentes ambientes y espacios. En Jardin de Nerja, por ejemplo, los usuarios han apreciado su buena relación calidad-precio: "Era muy útil para un balcón. Ten en cuenta que es necesario cerrarlo si está por fuera porque de lo contrario la tapa puede abrirse y romperse, como me ha ocurrido a mí. Sin embargo, el producto es bueno, permite sentarse y tiene una capacidad que sorprende. La marca Keter siempre ha tenido una calidad superior a la media.

Durante los meses de calor, un paraguas o toldo que nos protege del sol es un elemento que no puede faltar en el exterior. Este paraguas Aktive está disponible en tres colores (vainilla, verde y antracita) y, gracias a la posibilidad de montaje y desmontaje que ofrece, es ideal para ahorrar espacio en terrazas, balcones o jardines. Tiene forma hexagonal y consta de 6 varillas y un techo de viento para permitir la circulación del aire. Tiene una altura de 2,4 metros y el diámetro del paraguas es de 2,5 metros.

Aquellos que tienen la suerte de tener un espacio exterior mediano o grande pueden incluir en su elección de muebles una tumbona para relajarse leyendo o tomando el sol. Esta marca de Jaipur tiene un acabado en ratán grafito y puede plegarse para ocupar menos espacio cuando se almacena. Está diseñado con un sistema de drenaje de agua detrás del respaldo que también puede reclinarse en tres posiciones diferentes.

Otra opción para tomar el sol es este modelo que incluye un paraguas especial para la cabeza y un área extra para descansar los pies. Combina la madera de acacia de la estructura con el color crema de la tela, hecha de un material resistente al agua. Se puede transportar fácilmente porque se puede plegar y el respaldo se puede inclinar en cuatro posiciones. Leer a la sombra será un placer gracias a su dosel.

Recibir visitantes o celebrar almuerzos y cenas es uno de los mayores placeres de tener un área ajardinada o una terraza en casa. Este set de cuatro piezas (banco, dos sillas y mesa) es muy cómodo para charlar o relajarse entre amigos después de las tareas diarias. Está hecho de ratán y acero de alta calidad y también incluye cojines, en poliéster blanco e impermeable. La mesa también está cubierta con vidrio templado de 5 mm de espesor.

Una solución para ambientes reducidos como terrazas estrechas o balcones es este conjunto que se puede adquirir en Carrefour en blanco. El juego incluye dos sillas y una mesa cuadrada de acero. Los tres elementos se pueden plegar después de su uso para ocupar menos espacio. La mesa mide 71 centímetros de alto y 60 centímetros de ancho, y las sillas 80 x 45 x 41 centímetros. Una propuesta sencilla, funcional y económica para adaptarse a cualquier rincón.

Si lo que buscamos es una mesa donde podamos comer, podemos recurrir a soluciones como esta de madera de acacia para sentar a dos comensales. Tanto la mesa cuadrada como las sillas están fabricadas con un material muy resistente a las inclemencias del tiempo, muy fácil de limpiar, ideal para espacios exteriores como jardines, balcones o terrazas. Además, el conjunto tiene un acabado al aceite que resalta la veta de la madera. La mesa se puede plegar como las sillas con respaldo, que son como las tijeras. El primero mide 60 x 60 x 74 cm y el segundo 44 x 95 x 83 cm cada uno.

En Jardin de Nerja puedes encontrar este otro modelo de mobiliario de exterior de la marca SHAF con dos sillones, un sofá doble y una mesa de centro. Con un diseño moderno y de líneas rectas, que imita a la madera, es muy fácil de limpiar ya que sólo es necesario aplicar agua y jabón con un paño. Según la descripción del producto, también es muy fácil montar las cuatro piezas. Las medidas de las butacas son 69 x 62 x 72 centímetros, el sofá doble mide 69 x 120 x 72 centímetros y la mesa 66 x 62 x 35 centímetros. Es un producto resistente a los rayos del sol.

En madera de acacia, este conjunto de jardín ofrece un diseño más clásico pero igualmente funcional. Consta de 5 piezas: una mesa de 120 x 70 centímetros y cuatro sillas con reposabrazos y un respaldo alto de 51 x 92 centímetros. Todas las piezas son plegables y están tratadas con un aceite especial para asegurar una mayor durabilidad y calidad. El paquete incluye el material y las instrucciones de montaje y cuidado. También existe la posibilidad de adquirir un set para seis comensales de la misma marca, Deuba, por 266,95 euros.

Si usted tiene una esquina o una pared a la que quiere darle un toque extra, este banco clásico para exteriores puede ser una opción a considerar. Está hecho de madera de eucalipto aceitada y puede acomodar cómodamente a tres personas. Destaca por su elegante acabado y por la alta calidad de sus materiales y su resistencia a la intemperie. Sus medidas totales son 160 x 61,5 x 89 centímetros.

Y finalmente, una gran solución para ahorrar espacio y tener siempre una bebida o comida fresca a mano. Es un frigorífico exterior redondo que también se puede utilizar como mesa. Ofrece dos posiciones de apertura: una como mesa de cócteles alta y otra como mesa baja. Tiene un acabado elegante y sencillo que imita el ratán. Los clientes de Jardin de Nerja valoraron este producto con 4,2 estrellas sobre 5 y en los comentarios que destacaron: "Es perfecto para llenar con cerveza y refrescos en una terraza o en una fiesta en el jardín. Se mantiene fresco con un par de bolsas de hielo toda la noche. Es genial y es hermoso también.

muebles de terraza

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2019

Planning landscape photography

Landscape photography is one of the most impressive and inspiring among all the photographic disciplines that exist. These photographs invite us to admire, surprise and let our imagination fly to places we do not know, or to see them from a new perspective. Colorado landscape photography changes the perception of what surrounds us; We become much more aware of our surroundings and learn to see and read it in a completely different way. We learn to understand and predict light, weather, twilight, astronomy and an endless number of other elements that make the world open and discover it with beauty and admiration as we had not stopped to see it before.

Landscape Photography Planning

Planning, together with editing/processing and composition, is a differentiating element of any landscape and nature photographer. It can be said that the chances of you getting a good landscape photograph are due in a very high percentage to the planning of the shot. The workflow that I recommend to follow to achieve good planning is as follows:

  • Analyze what opportunities you will have; depending on the type of landscape you are going to find and the time of the year in which you visit it. Keep in mind the weather forecasts for that day.
  • Consciously prepare where the best locations are located. I recommend placing on a map both the locations of specific photographs (obtained in the previous step of inspiration), and the areas where we believe there may be good opportunities.
  • Study each of the details that affect the shot you are going to make: direction by which the sun rises or hides, route of the milky way and moon phase in the case of night photographs or even more specific details, such as at what time the sun will create the rainbow in a waterfall.

There are very useful mobile applications for some of these situations, such as knowing the sunrise and sunset times, and the address it will have at a specific time in the place where we are going to photograph; also make sure to use the best cameras for landscape photography, that will influence in the result

Make sure you have the locations at hand without the need for coverage or the internet. To do this, import them through different applications such as Google earth, my maps, maps.me, etc.

US visa for childrens under 14 years

How to get a US visa for children under 14?

When we are going to carry out a procedure that involves one of our family members, it is very important to be clear about the steps to follow, much more when these procedures are related to the smallest of the family. Thinking about you and your well-being, you should consider and how to get the American Visa for children under 14 years old. Making the process is very simple, it is the same as the procedure for adults, with the difference that children under 14 are exempt from presentation at the American Embassy and apply as follows:

Request US Visa to children under 14 if the parents do not have a visa:

Parents can obtain the American Visa and present themselves at the American Embassy with the documents of the minors without the need for the children to attend the US visa appointment. Children qualify for parents, which means that if they approve the American visa for parents, children under 14 will also have it.

Because the minors qualify for the parents, in these cases it is recommended that the parents or one of them apply for the American visa with the minor so that there is a greater probability of approval. In the event that only one of the parents is present, the absence of the other must be justified and in case of divorce, the custody of the child must be certified.

Get US Visa to children under 14 if parents have an American Visa:

In this case, it is not necessary to present at the American Embassy, neither the parents nor the minor. Just send the documents that we made of the US visa application and the child's passport along with the copy of the parents' visas to the American Embassy and about 20 business days after the child's Visa will be approved (it applies in most of the cases and when the child has not had previous denials). This way it can only be done if both parents or one of them has a valid American Visa.

Although no interview is required, the consular officer may request the parents in an interview when the documents have already been sent. In addition, it is important to know that the cost of consular rights to the child must also be paid and the DS160 form must be completed accompanied by a series of documents that if not done diligently can hinder the process.

SERPS at SEO restaurants

What does SERP mean?

The acronym SERP stands for Search Engine Result Page. These results are those that appear on the platforms of Google, Yahoo, Bing, and even Yandex a Russian search engine.

The order of the results or websites will depend on how attached those websites are to the criteria demanded by the search engine. Google, for example, includes by default ten results in each SERP, which means that the 10 most relevant search results appear on the first page of results. So, knowing the right criteria is very important at your restaurant marketing strategy to be at the top.

Being on this first page of results, and especially in the coveted first places, is very important for a website. It is estimated that the first 5 results of the SERP take 75% of the visits. 99.1% of all clicks, in fact, stay in the first SERP. That is, if you do not appear here, you have less than .1% chance of finding your site. Finding the right marketing agency that takes notice of the SERPS criteria it's very important

What are the types of results that Google offers?

To identify what kind of results appear in a SERP, let's look for an example of "Madrid restaurants".

In the first part, sponsored results will appear, that is, Google Ads. These results are not organic and the only way to appear among them is by paying. When the search is directly related to the purchase of a product, a flight or the reservation at a Hotel, Google displays under the ads a special box with prices, map and additional filtering options. In the case of restaurants, when done a local search it will display the restaurants nearby your location.

Related questions

The type of results that the SERP throws also depends on the type of request we make to the search engine. For example, if we change the search to “where is the city of Madrid?”, A box of related questions will appear, along with the organic results and the map

Local results

Now, let's do a different kind of search: “Seafood restaurants in Madrid, Spain”. Google identifies that it is a local search and the first thing that displays us is a map with options, ratings, and reviews. The use of right local SEO for restaurants in these cases its important in order to make sure you will appear on the top.

SERPs can also display videos, images, news, itineraries, featured snippets, brand results, social media for restaurants, etc. It is essential to know what kind of results we should appear, to focus our marketing efforts on them. What are the SERPs for?

It is very useful for Internet users as they have a large number of options to choose from, and also for companies with digital marketing goals and for those who implement SEO. We can improve our position in this list of results that the search engine yields and increase the chances of generating a significant number of organic traffic to our website.

Tips to improve landscape photography

Improve your landscape photography

Ansel Adams said: "Landscape photography is the supreme proof of the photographer and, often, the supreme disappointment."

This usually happens because many people are dedicated to doing what I like to call «postcard photo» in which they simply photograph what they have in front of them, without looking for anything else. And of course, there is a photo with little life, which says nothing. But, as in everything, there are tricks to avoid it.

Obviously, each landscape is a world, and there is no master key that works perfectly in all, but, there are three points that if you follow them (at least one of them) you will see how they change immediately your Colorado landscape photography.

The foreground

Surely hearing about a close-up in landscape photography is weird, but believe me, it is the real key to success. Imagine that you are going to take a picture of a landscape, for example, with a castle. In this case, it is normal to focus on framing the castle and taking the picture.

In doing this, it is not that we take a bad photo, but it is not as good as it could be. And, to give it that special point, we have the foreground. The use of this plane is spreading more and more in current photography and the reason is that it brings two important advantages; positions the public in the photo and brings a sense of depth to the landscape.

Position the public

Making the person who sees the photo feel inside it is like transporting it to that same place, hence it is so valuable. To achieve this, you have to see, in your photo, elements close to the position from where you took it. This is achieved with short focal lengths or, failing that, bending down when taking the photo to capture part of the ground or nearby elements, its also important to select the best cameras for landscape photography.

Feeling deep

By introducing elements in the foreground you also provide a reference to the distances in your landscape. In this way, it is easier for the public to know how far each element of photography is. This, for example, is more difficult to appreciate in shots taken with long focal distances or in which other intermediate references are not appreciated. These focal points also tend to flatten the photo, since, the more zoom, the more closely are the planes of your photo.

For the foreground elements, there are two very interesting ways to do it. The first is unfocusing them, which is good to frame the image and give a different appearance to the bottom or when this area has too much detail. This will be achieved by leaving these elements out of depth of field. The second way is to use the hyperfocal distance, so that you will get the whole scene to be clear and more like what you see in reality.

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2019

SEO tips for restaurants

In any major city of the world, there are a lot of competition when it comes to restaurants options, to this fact we must add the leading role that the consumer now has as a “gastronomic critic” on platforms that allow you to enter a score such as Google My Business or Tripadvisor, or through the dissemination of photos on social networks. For this reason, having a restaurant marketing strategy could be considered a measure of survival in an environment as competitive as that of the restaurant sector.

Here are 5 tips to raise your restaurant’s digital marketing strategy:

Your social media for restaurants should be professionalized

At the moment, the social network that generates the most impact among users within the catering sector is Instagram: it is the most used in front of Facebook and its highly visual content makes it the perfect social network to carry out a growth strategy in social networks.

This includes uploading posts, at least, two days a week, following different lines of content, taking great care of the aesthetic and visual part, and, ultimately, working to generate interaction with users.

In your profile, you can publicize your most outstanding dishes, the ones that your customers like the most (or even publications of your own customers!), The different areas of your place, the people who work there ... there are multiple possibilities.

The options that Instagram gives us to restaurants in 2019 must be taken advantage of: playing with the highlighted stories to present the user with useful information in an attractive way is a good move.

Take care of your restaurant's SEO positioning

A local SEO for restaurants strategy can be very beneficial, especially because there are many restaurants that neglect this area of digital marketing completely.

SEO is a set of techniques to improve the visibility of organic results in search engines (especially Google, which is the most used search engine). In other words, a sum of actions that make a website scale positions in Google for certain keywords; the best way to achieve your SEO goals is to hire a restaurant agency specialized on this matter, to handle your websites.

Your profiles on the most influential opinion platforms should be optimized

Google My Business, your Tripadvisor profile, El Tenedor, Foursquare, or Yelp are places where satisfied (and dissatisfied) users will review your restaurant. So it is important that there is representation by the restaurant and take care of every single commentary that the users may leave at these platforms, which it’s a very important way to get feedback from your costumers.

Open WiFi for your customers

To stimulate your customers and make them upload photos of your restaurant on social networks, provide free WiFi and good quality. If you can (and aligns with the concept of your restaurant), make sure that the name of the network and the password can be easily read from anywhere on the premises.

Send newsletter with special offers, menus, and events

One of the best loyalty tools that exist for your restaurant is e-mail marketing, although it is important to note that it is not appropriate to abuse this push mode.

Send newsletter only when you are able to offer high-value content for your regular customers, such as new offers and promotions.

US visa renewal

How to renew a US visa?

You have already passed the How to get US visa issue, now the problem is that your visa will expire soon, but you are wondering if there's any change in the process and if it could be easier this time. Well, If you want to renew your visa to the United States in the same category and do not want an interview with a consul of that country, you will have to do the renewal process in the twelve months after the expiration date.

This was stipulated with the new global order of US President Donald Trump, in order to increase the security of issuance of visas globally. Before the issuance of the rule, applicants seeking to renew their visa of the same category selected to be exempted from the interview, if the US visa application process is completed within 48 months after expiration.

People who need to renew their visa of the same category at this time, and within the 12 months established, have to fill out the embassy form and go to the Applicant Assistance Center (CAS) for the sea printed the document in their passport, as has happened in recent years.

The US embassy, warns that this can have an impact on the waiting time to schedule a US visa appointment at the Consulate. It is recommended to those who want to travel or are planning to travel to the United States to begin the visa application process as early as possible.

And as always, the consular officer may require a personal interview in any situation in which the information provided in the application indicates, that’s one of the reasons it is suggested to do the application with time before selecting a specific date to fly US.

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2019

Landscape photography styles

Landscape photography: Description and styles

As in painting, in photography, landscapes have been a constant theme throughout history. Landscapes are an inanimate, static and affordable photographic subject. In addition, they are one of the least controversial and most permanent issues, since the same landscape may be different depending on the time of the year, the weather, the angle from which we photograph it and the frame we choose. But the appeal of this type of photography goes further because even without having a camera, or a canvas on which to capture them, landscapes have the ability to convey emotions.

They can be romantic, bucolic, make us feel sorry, or infuse us with a feeling of lightness that makes us relax. In landscape photography we find different styles framed in descriptive, impressionist and abstract modalities. Let's briefly define each one of them:

Romantic style: It is probably the most used style. It is based on photographs in which a certain amount of blurring and subsequent lighting is usually introduced. It is also very common to use a high ISO, and a shallow approach. One of the leading photographers of this style was Ansel Adams, who is also considered the most famous landscape photographer.

Descriptive style: It does not have as many concrete elements as the romantic style. The highlight of this type of Colorado landscape photography is a careful composition and extreme attention to detail. It is characterized by not including any type of manipulation so that reality is embodied in the most reliable way possible. It belongs to the field of direct photography, without any artifice, which highlights the work of Edward Weston.

Graphic / abstract style: This is a style in which you try to reduce the landscape to something simple, sometimes even minimalism. It consists in extracting the graphic essence of a scene in the best possible way. Some visual expertise is required to get good graphic and also the use of the best cameras for landscape photography.

Environmental style: It arises as a method of protest against environmental degradation due to pollution. It is promulgated mainly by the Sierra Club and Audubon Society, in whose publications we find photographs of landscapes of great beauty, which are used to make people think about the possibility of something like this being lost. There is also a variant, which shows desolate landscapes, destroyed due to pollution or human action. One of the greatest exponents is Robert Adams.

Manipulative style: It is probably the least common. In this style some objects are added to the landscape itself, either by including them in reality, or by manipulating the image in a postprocessed whether digital or analog. John Pfahl and Jerry Uelsmann are two of the photographers who have best managed to deal with this subject.

Controlled style: Landscapes are usually photographed illuminated by natural light. In this style, they are usually photographed illuminated with artificial light so that most of the time the night shots are taken.

SEO: How to link build?

Link building tactics on local SEO for restaurants

There are concrete link building tactics that can help us systematize our task on your restaurant marketing strategies, as it follows.

Through content: This technique condenses what we call obtaining passive links in the previous point. It consists of improving your content in a way that brings value and is a source that everyone wants to link. A variant, the link baiting, implies generating concrete content with the purpose of generating attention and links. Within the link baiting we would include the creation of infographics, controversial websites, reports and studies, etc.

Through contacts: A person or organization has a series of relationships that it has built over time. The more connected you are, the greater the number of relationships you will have established. And these relationships can be moved to the online world in the form of links. For example, it is very possible that among your family or closest friends, several have blogs or other types of web. It is normal for employees of a restaurant agency to have their own page. It is normal for distributors, customers and people who serve an organization to have an online presence, so it is important that an SEO is well connected and always has a good number of contacts in the online sector. Do not see it as asking for a favor, but as a way to add value with your website to another page.

Directories and social repositories:There are good and bad directories and repositories; The maximum to know if they are positive for us is: Will it bring me traffic from people who click on the link? In general, a link that generates this type of traffic will be positive. If you want SEO value, focus on the following points:

Niche directories: Niche directories are those that try to provide information about a very specific sector. For example, directories of technology blogs or directories of technology companies. Here you can even put listings or compilations that fulfill the same function on pages or blogs, for example: «The best marketing agencies in Spain». Here we could try to communicate with the author to justify why he should include ours or try to reach him by other means.

Local directories: These are especially relevant for local businesses such as restaurants, bars, driving schools, etc. Not only do they provide great value, but Google reviews many of them to verify your business information, and the activity and comments generated in them have a great influence. You can find more information in the post how to improve your local SEO.

Social media for restaurants: Most Social Networks allow you to generate a link to your website, and most are indexable to Google. This does not mean that you have to create a profile in each network that exists, but that you make sure that you take advantage of your social presence in this sense in the channels that make sense to use for your website. Apart from that, Google+ has a huge effect on the positioning of a website as recent studies show

Us visa: J-1 type

How to get US visa J-1?

To participate in either the Work and Travel USA, Internship USA, Camp Counselor or Au Pair USA programs, you will need to obtain a J-1 visa. This type of visa is intended for anyone who goes to work, to carry out an internship or research period, included in cultural exchange programs sponsored by non-profit organizations called Sponsor. The essential condition to apply for the J-1 visa is to obtain the DS-2019 document that through the Sponsor, will provide. This document can only be obtained through an agency authorized.

What is the DS-2019 form?

The DS-2019 form is the “Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor Status” it’s a US visa application wich certificate that proves that the applicant meets the conditions to receive the J-1 visa, essential to work in the United States with this program. The DS-2019 is an official document issued by the sponsor for applicants who have been accepted in any of the programs covered by the J-1 visa (Internship USA, Work and Travel USA, Au Pair USA, Camp Counselor).

Once you have obtained your visa you can travel to the United States within the dates of the program. The following requirement is to register with SEVIS either by phone or by mail.

What is the SEVIS?

SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information Service) or Information Service for Exchange Visitors and Students is the American government agency responsible for controlling and managing foreigners working in the United States with the J-1 visa.

This service entails a fee for each student (included in the price of the program) that must be paid to obtain the DS-2019 form. The participant will receive a receipt of said payment that he will have to present at the embassy on the US visa appointment along with the DS-2019.

Once in the United States, all participants are required to activate their program, providing the sponsor with their address in the United States, e-mail address and contact phone number before 10 days have elapsed from the start date of their DS-2019 form.

If the participant changes his residence during his stay in the US or there is a change in his job or in his contact information, he must inform your sponsor within 10 days after the change occurs.