martes, 1 de octubre de 2019

Medical Clinics in Spain

Almost one in four English speaking doctors who move abroad (23 percent) does so for work or economic reasons, although academic factors determine the decision in 58.6 percent of cases, according to a survey on Human Resources in Science and Technology conducted by the INE.

According to data from this survey published today and carried out on doctors under 70 years of age resident in Spain and doctors by a Spanish university since 1990, between 2000 and 2009 21.2 percent of doctors had gone to live outside Spain, while 12.5 percent of those present in the country on 31 December 2009 planned to do so.

By sex, men with doctorates continue to be the majority group, so that 55.5 per cent of doctors are men, compared to 44.5 per cent of women.

On the other hand, one out of every three people who obtained a doctorate did so in the area of Natural Sciences, while the areas of Medical Sciences and Social Sciences represented 20.9% and 20.1%, respectively in medical clinics.

With regard to financing, 34.1% of doctors have paid for their doctorate with scholarships, and four out of ten have worked to pay for their studies. The average duration from the beginning of doctoral studies to obtaining the degree is 5.9 years, according to the results of the survey.

Almost all the doctors were employed at 31 December 2009, 96.1% of them; six out of ten worked in research activities.

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