martes, 22 de octubre de 2019

SEO for begginers

Digital marketing for entrepreneurs

Web pages are the cover letter of digital businesses, which add to other platforms, such as virtual stores and social networks. Digital entrepreneurs must adopt content optimization actions for search engines locally (Local SEO) as part of their strategy.

Users are impatient and only take 50 milliseconds to form a first impression when entering a website. In addition, 88% of Internet users probably do not visit a site again after having a bad experience, according to a Google study.

If you are beginning into the local SEO for restaurants, either you are just opening your business or do you want to take business to digital era, we suggested the marketing budget should be divided, at the beginning, into 70% for search engine ads and 30% in the necessary SEO actions so that the website reflects the scope of the products offered for sale. This implies that the structure of the website and navigation are adequate.

First steps

The investment in SEO should be gradual because the strategy is constantly evolving. Entrepreneurs must be aware of changes in search engines and evaluate quarterly or semi-annual objectives to see results. A brand will not appear in the first search results in the immediate term. Depending on the niche, it can take between three months or six months on average. In competitive markets such as retail or tourism, the strategy can show results at twelve months. "Google must process, understand the code and the structure of the website, and there are changes every month," said a specialist.


Experts suggested training the team in handling large volumes of information because the analysis of web data will allow decisions about the digital business.

He also recommended integrating the strategy into digital media, including use of social media for restaurants. It is necessary to use terms linked to the brand on external platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and others. For example, uploading a photo with a personalized name will help to relate the content of the image to the search made by a potential client.

Another good practice is to answer user queries quickly. To this we can add frequent searches about the digital business on the internet to monitor what the Internet users of the brand say.


  • 3 seconds or less should take a commercial web page to load, according to Nodus.
  • 54% say that the later a brand site is loaded, their frustration towards it will grow, says Google
  • 27% more conversions if mobile sites load a second faster.

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