martes, 6 de agosto de 2019

Learn how to protect your CCTV from unauthorized access

A Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) is currently one of the main tools to protect your home or business, this equipment can be installed in stores, shopping centers, residences and countless places in order to provide better security to users who visit these properties.

Thet threats against the information that is captured and stored by these systems have grown, and therefore believes that the protection of the information of a cctv security cameras begins from the moment of its implementation.

The first step is to make a general review of the system to verify its proper functioning. There are checklists where a series of tests are contemplated to which CCTV Security Cameras must be submitted when their installation is completed such as the verification of the cameras, the configuration of recording agendas, the creation of users and security keys; In addition to this you should also do the tests of exporting videos to media and external support, ”he adds.

One of the mistakes that many users make is to leave the administration password that the equipment brings from the factory, it is best to use strong keys that have the combination of letters, numbers and special characters.

To protect passwords, it should be noted that only administrators should have access to system settings. Likewise, the UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) protocol of surveillance cameras must be disabled because it makes the devices visible to any user of a computer with a Windows operating system on the network, so that he cannot access the devices if he can visualize Everything and this creates a security problem that can be avoided.

The good maintenance of the equipment and having an appropriate operating staff will help your Video Surveillance system to have excellent effectiveness. Complying with each of the recommendations we give you will prevent your equipment from being manipulated by people who should not have access to them, in this way you can protect your property and provide greater security to the users who visit them.

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