jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2019

A direct door to your establishment Google my bussiness

A direct door to your establishment

Google my bussiness

Today we all move on the Internet when looking for somewhere to eat, and if you are a restaurant owner, you would like to attract the most pottential clients yo may; and it is in this step where our beloved Google My Business comes into play, as a restaurant marketing tool.

Because, who hasn't searched Google for “nearby restaurants” when he was traveling (and when not)? We are geolocated, Google knows where you are and will provide information about restaurants near you or the area you have indicated.
And what results will appear first? Well, those corresponding to your Google My Business listing. That is, if you have a restaurant, you have opened a tab in My Business and your profile is optimized, you can appear among those tabs that Google will show.

But, have you considered doing something else besides having only one card open? Because yes, it is very nice to appear there, but, if you do not take advantage of it, in the end you will end up going down and you may appear very little in the search results.
So today, we are going to tell you a little more about how Google My Business for restaurants is the gateway to your establishment.

First of all, what is Google My Business?

When you do a search for a restaurant, you will have noticed that Google appears, if you are on the computer, in the right margin a kind of tab. If you are on the mobile it appears just at the beginning of the search results.
That tab is what we know as Google My Business, which used to be Google Places and Google Plus Local.

Creating your listing in My Business is easy, free and gives you a multitude of advantages, since from that moment you will start appearing in the Google results of local restaurant searches and also in Google Maps.
And not only that, but if you do not have a record, surely your competition does and you are getting a greater number of potential customers before entering your establishment than yours, thats when the local SEO for restaurants appers, to take you to he top, by using not only that, but also helping you get more exposure using social media for restaurants publicity

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