miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2019

TripAdvisor for your restaurant SEO

When we talk about a bar or a restaurant digital marketing, TripAdvisor and the comments found in it are becoming a key piece of decision making for most of your potential customers.

That is why at present, it is so bad for your reputation and your establishment not to have a profile on this opinion platform (or social network), since the use of social media for restaurants has increase its popularity.

Does your hospitality business have a TripAdvisor profile?

If you still do not have this excellent online tool to boost your visibility or you do not know very well how to move in it, without further ado, here I leave you this super guide where you will find everything you need to professionalize your account in this online opinion platform and boost your business using local SEO for restaurants.

How to create and optimize a TripAdvisor profile for your restaurant or bar?

TripAdvisor is one of the most important travel and tourism platforms that exists worldwide. She is characterized by offering information from different tourist establishments based on the opinions of other clients who have already visited them, through a scoring system that allows each business to be classified by population.

Registered hotels or restaurants can respond to users and interact with them, based on comments they have made about their hotel establishments.There are more online review platforms or directories, but none like him, because TripAdvisor is essential in your online strategy.

How to register a hospitality profile on TripAdvisor?

To register a bar or restore on TripAdvisor you have to enter this address, as shown in the following image:

Include your Restaurant in Tripadvisor

On the first page you must include the details of the owner, the bar or restaurant and its location on the map. Be sure to place the marker in the exact place where your business is located.

In the second window you must enter the contact information, the type of cuisine of your establishment, the price range and a description of your hospitality business. Remember to detail those products with which you can stand out from your competitors, describing the place or those qualities that you define best. You should also include a profile picture or logo that is of quality. Then send the data, certifying that the information provided is correct.

From TripAdvisor they must approve the business after reviewing the information you have submitted. When your restaurant or bar account is approved you will receive a notice and the link to the profile card in your email.

Optimize the profile of your restaurant or bar

Once we have created the file we can manage the profile. It is important to have an updated profile, with data and images of the place, to have better visibility and that those who come to consult can get information and get an idea of how our business is and what kind of products we can offer.Above all the images and information described by our bar or restaurant must be true to the truth, so as not to generate false expectations in potential clients, because you can damage your online reputation

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