lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2019

The importance of Local SEO for restaurants

Local SEO for restaurants

When planning the design or redesign of your website for your restaurant, it is worth asking and discovering what your friends and family would expect on a website like yours. For a restaurant, I think we can agree that the following elements are fundamental to your website:

Direction. Obviously, this is the most important element: people need to know where your restaurant is. There is more than one way to share your address with your (potential) customers. When you add the address of your restaurant on your website, do it correctly. First of all, the address must be in a place where everyone can find it without having to look for it. This means that it must be in a clear place on your home page and in all other sections of your website, a common place to insert it is in the footer, and obviously put it on your contact page together with a location map .

Interior photos. If the client is going to spend their money in your establishment, they will want to know what type of restaurant it is and what kind of environment it offers.

Your menu It is very important to include it so that the client knows what type of cuisine you serve.

Customer Testimonials What do other customers think have been in your restaurant?

How to make a reservation. Once the potential client is on our website, make life easy for you to make a reservation.

From a technical point of view (your web designer should help you with this), make sure that each section of your website has a different title and description so that Google understands and can correctly track every page of your website and thus be able to position it correctly .

Once we have our website optimized and ready, the thing is not only in that. It is vitally important to be present on websites that customers already use to search for restaurants, your website will serve as an important reinforcement to expand information about your restaurant.

Google My Business

Don't you know what Google My Business is?

Google My Business complements your website by giving your restaurant a public identity and presence on Google. The information you provide about your restaurant may appear in Google Search, Maps and Google+. If you don’t have a Google My Business listing for your restaurant yet, it’s time to do it, it’s crucial for your restaurant to have it. Be sure to complete the form and take advantage of all the information fields that Google offers to help you with your restaurant marketing.


As in Google My Business, it is important to add your restaurant in Facebook Places. Facebook is improving its search engine day by day, and if there is a place where all your friends and customers share their opinions that is Facebook.

Be sure to include your restaurant by adding all the basic information. If you include your restaurant in the Local Business category (be sure to do so), you can add:

A short description

Your website, email, telephone and address

A map of your restaurant

On top of that, by including your restaurant in the local business category, you can allow registrations, ratings and reviews, and that's exactly what you're looking for! These records and reviews are really very important, since the search results on Facebook are classified according to recommendations and reviews from your friends and customers; also you can use other social media for restaurant marketing such as Instagram or Whatsapp business.


I will name TripAdvisor for the importance and weight that it has when it comes to being used by customers to search for restaurants in a specific place, but obviously it is one of many other websites that can be used to show the details of your restaurant , Others are:


Foursquare for business

Bing Places

and many more.

Especially since your restaurant is a local business, adding your website to services like these will also help with your SEO, since everyone has a local focus.

After adding your website to TripAdvisor (if it isn't already), be sure to check customer reviews on this website. Bad reviews are always a nuisance, but not acting in the face of bad reviews can be even worse. Get involved with a disappointed customer and see if you can change your mind to something more positive. Most bad reviews are simple incidents.

To have a good online strategy for your restaurant, it is necessary to have a well designed and structured website that includes all the necessary elements to make the customer's life easy and that can make a reservation, in the end this is what it is all about. In the same way we must be present and active in the different websites that help us channel reservations to our restaurant through well-filled files, being very attentive to the opinions and reviews of the customers.

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