viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2019


To renew your visa or apply for a visa for the first time, the person must meet a series of requirements to apply for a tourist visa in Colombia, the first is; To request an appointment through the call center, you must pay the sum of $ 288,200 at Helm Bank, it is important to keep in mind that if you take the completed form DS 156 with you to the bank, the folio number that will be given on the day of the call and the passport.

Documents to be submitted to the US visa appointment:

The Bank will give you an adhesive with a barcode and there will indicate the time and date of the interview, it cannot be transferred to another person, money will not be reimbursed for loss or theft of it and will be valid only until the day of the interview.

The passport must be valid for a minimum of one year.

In case of loss of the passport, you must inform the embassy and present a certificate of Migratory Movements issued by the Das (Administrative Department of Security.

Identity document either the citizenship card for an adult or the Civil birth record for a minor.

2 photographs of the applicant of 5X5 cm, current, in color and white background, must be stapled to the form not more attached, must be taken without earrings, necklaces and lenses. Black and white photographs are not accepted in your  US visa application.

Take duly completed form DS-156 Form DS-156 And signed by the applicant.

Carry out Form DS-157 for people over 14 years old.

Bring a photocopy of the inside cover of the passport is where the passport number appears and also the biographical page of the passport. This really is for the purpose that if the visa is approved, they must be delivered to Domesa to fill out the form with the passport information in addition to paying by window the value of sending the passport with the respective visa.

To take into account:

If you are going to process the renewal of your US Tourist Visa, this can be done three months before the visa expiration date or if you wish five months and 29 days after it has expired.

To enter the US the passport must be valid for at least one year.


These supporting documents, such as labor certificates, deeds of their properties, bank statements and tax certificates must be submitted to prove their relationship with Colombia; that is to say that your life is linked to the country and it is essential for you to be granted a US tourist visa.

Documents that support the trip to the United States, can be your work and business contacts, the letter of invitation from a family member etc., that is to say that they support the real reasons for the trip.

To take into account: Young people from 14 to 17 years of age, if it is a requirement that they present the personal interview and that they carry all the necessary documents to apply for the visa and the interview can come in the company of their parents. When you turn 18, you must present the interview personally.

Next there is a list the suggested documents that you can present when applying for your tourist visa, it is important to know that the presentation of such documents does not ensure the approval of the visa, if possible; It is best to present the originals for credibility.

* Evidence of employment:

-Labour where the following data is related: Monthly salary, charge, service time and days granted for your trip.

-Desprendibles of payment of the last 6 months.

- Your social security card (ISS or EPS).

-Family compensation box card (if you have one)

* Economic capacity:

- Chamber of Commerce Certificate.

- Commercial register (if required).

- Certification of income and withholdings of the last three years.

- Bank statements of the last six months.

- Deeds of the properties you own.

* Family / social relationships:

- Copy of the civil registry of marriage or statement extra trial, authenticated (issued in the last three months).

- If you are a minor, copy of the birth certificate, authenticated (issued in the last three months).

- Authenticated copies of baptismal records and religious marriage certificates (issued in the last three months).

- If it depends on the parents, submit documents of their financial capacity.

- Professional card or university card. (To certify that you are currently studying)

To keep in mind: If you are going to apply for a US visa appointment for your children, only the father or mother can do it. This information is subject to change as the embassies and consulates permanently modify the documentation and requirements without prior notice.

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