jueves, 5 de septiembre de 2019

Trends in CCTV and Access Control

1. Perimeter Security and CCTV

The most common risk that occurs in companies with high personnel traffic in terms of access control and CCTV is the entry of unauthorized persons. These “casts” enter attached to other users if authorized. The different security companies are already offering within their portfolio of products and services, various access control options focused on the entry of a single user with a single identification.

Regarding this, there is an increase in the use of bio-metrics or facial recognition as an innovation in the business security strategy, compared to the use of entry cards, as well as an increase in the use of automated systems and a Second reader integrated with an optical turnstile.

2. Technology Integrators and CCTV systems

Within the framework of access control and the increasingly strong need to restrict access in companies with high traffic flows, these alternatives will occupy a very important position during the coming years in the private security sector.

More and more integrators and CCTV Security cameras  are realizing the progressive recognition that end users are having regarding the risks posed by the entry of unauthorized users.

Private security companies that are pioneers in this area, can offer added value to their end customers and with the vision of integrating it into a global project through different platforms or other providers to deliver added value to the customer at a better cost. As with the migration from analog to digital technology 15 years ago, those who innovated benefited and grew exponentially.

3. Mobile devices

Now, to decrease the amount of items that people must load every day, instead of proximity cards for secure access to businesses, you can have it on your smartphone. It works as an access control credential. This service is activated through a specific application that synchronizes users automatically.

The app communicates with the company's access control software via Wi-Fi and in this way the card reader infrastructure that already exists in the company is used and costs are saved.

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