lunes, 30 de septiembre de 2019

Management of access control system

Effective management of electronic access control system

A traditional lock is only to control the status of a door that cannot be regulated by schedules. However, an electronic access control system allows you to lock control by configuring time, door group, authorization level and through the web server, you will be able to know all the registered events of doors and users. The CCTV / IP video surveillance circuit is an optional equipment if security is to be improved and it can be added to your access control system kit. Consequently, electronic access control system has become a major trend in the industry and security thanks to their unrivaled advantages.


With an integrated time function, you can set schedules such as morning shift, afternoon or evening shift, etc., through the access management software for the regulation of user authorization levels and their access schedules to the different places. Of course, total opening hours can be created, at these times the door will open automatically, and after this period it will close automatically. This configuration is ideal for stores and department stores. In addition, you can set an expiration time of access for each user, this is ideal for short-term access such as day passes, or visit passes. Different schedules can be configured to activate the equipment designated as safety alert or industrial control device.

Access Level

There is additional management such as access level control. You can label each time zone and each door group with an index and level. Each user is assigned a level index. Users with a higher level are authorized to schedules and groups of doors with lower level index.


The anti-return feature combines a reader and access control to provide a higher level of security. When applied to buildings, there are three fundamental characteristics. First, the external reader is only for reading information, not for storing data, Second, the breakage of the reader cannot cause a forced opening condition to occur. The normal process of obtaining access is as follows: a card approaches the reader from the outside the reader transmits the information, determining if the card is valid or not, a signal is transmitted to the electronic lock to unlock it.

Therefore, the reader cannot open the door lock by himself. Third, a card must be presented at the entrance / exit, and the presentation sequence must be the correct order such as the following sequence "entry-exit-entry-exit-entry-exit" to gain access. Any attempt to create an “entry-entry” sequence of access will be considered a violation of the Anti-return rule and consequently access will be denied. For example, if someone gives their card to a friend after passing the door or someone has a copy and tries to enter, they will all be rejected at the door for violation of the anti-return rule.

SEO keywords building

Examples of SEO keywords for a restaurant marketing

Establishing the right keywords for both the ideal user of our type of company and the sector or scope of the company itself is not easy. The keywords have to be thermal of univocal meaning that, whether simple or compound, always combine from the general to the particular, allowing the user to find the web in a specific semantic context and the company to appear as one of the most relevant results of the list.

This list is drawn up automatically by the search engine robot, that is, an algorithm that detects the established keywords and then gives a specific position. It is the algorithm that interests us at local SEO for restaurants

Next, we will give an example of what would be the most appropriate web positioning keywords for a national fast food restaurant chain. Let's say that this chain has a presence in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and now it will expand to Seville. In Seville it will offer its basic menu of products and will be sold to the Sevillian public as a familiar and pleasant place that is worth visiting any day of the week, especially on weekends.

Make it specific

Naturally, a general keyword, the one that provides the context, is "fast food restaurant". Positioning will always be more effective if we use content variants, such as "fast food place". Next, we must be concretized, and for this we will use the keyword «fast food place in Seville». That will provide Google with a secondary descriptor related to the topographic or geographical aspect of the company.

The algorithm will automatically discard all the results related to fast food restaurants that are not specifically located in Seville. The third and final keyword could be "fast food local Eat Well in Seville".

Of course, Come Bien is the name of the restaurant, and by adding it we guarantee that the website appears first in Google results, we can also use the social media for restaurants account and create a hashtag for the restaurant. This is how a good SEO strategy is built. To achieve this, it is clear that we must analyze both our business and the main potential customers.

CCTV use in hospital unit

CCTV security camera in Neonatal Intensive Care: always by your side

New service in the Patient Portal, available in university hospitals

Knowing that your child is in the best hands and the open-door protocol of the Neonatal ICUs of the four hospitals allows parents to feel safe, be informed and participate and get involved in the care of the newborn; a peace of mind that increases now knowing that they can continue to see you too if they should be absent from the hospital on time

The CCTV camera offer real-time image and 24 hours a day, from the mobile, tablet or computer and, to guarantee privacy and security in its use, the hospital does not save recording of the images, no sound is reproduced and only available for parents

This new service, complementary to the health care offered in the Neonatal ICU, increases the quality of care perceived by parents in a new step in the strategy of Humanization of Health Care of the centers that involves an exercise of transparency aimed at improving patient safety and optimize their communication with the hospital

Tranquility and confidence are the most repeated words by parents who, despite not being able to take their newborn baby home because they are premature, have low weight or any circumstance that requires specialized attention, which leads to worry, fear and frustration, they have to leave their little one admitted to the Neonatal ICU.

It is a priority for these neonatal income services to maintain an open-door protocol, that is, to encourage parents to spend as much time as possible with their children, as much as they want and can, without schedules or restrictions in addition to the CCTV system. This allows them to be better informed, to participate and to be involved in the care of the newborn in a continuous learning process together with the professionals of the unit, feeling with it all safer and checking and sharing the evolution of the child in his first days of life.

Transparency, security and communication as a complement to health care

In real time and 24 hours a day -with immediate information if the service is not available due to the testing of the newborn-, from the mobile, tablet or computer and, to guarantee privacy and security in its use, the hospital does not save recording of images, sound is not reproduced and is only available to parents, since it is automatically activated in the case of the mother, while the father must register the child as supervised in his application to access to this functionality. All this allows this tool to complement the information and health care offered in the Neonatal ICU and improve the quality of care perceived by parents from the human point of view.

Why a US visa can be revoked?

US visa revoked

Once you already has past the point of how to get a US visa and you finally get one, you most be aware that’s not a definity status for you, you visa could be granted during your US visa application, but it can be revoked after you have it, even for several years.

One of the most frequent forms of revocation or cancellation of an American visa occurs when a foreigner enters the United States with a nonimmigrant visa and extends his stay beyond the time allowed. Likewise, tourists from countries included in the Visa Waiver Program, including Chile and Spain, and under which their citizens can enter the US. Without a visa for a maximum period of 90 days, they lose this privilege if they exceed their stay beyond those three months

Other consequences:

  • possible expulsion or deportation
  • inability to request change visa or extension
  • roads are limited to regulate the situation
  • punishment of 3 or 10 years, once you are outside the US
  • difficulty getting an American visa again

Consequences of staying illegally in the United States

The time that a nonimmigrant foreigner can legally stay in the United States and his grace period, when there is one, is determined by the type of visa he uses to enter. In the case of tourists with a B1 / B2 the maximum time of stay is determined in I-94, registration of entry and exit. In these cases there is no grace period but you could qualify to request an extension of the time you previously reported you’ll stay in your US visa appointment or even a visa change. But if you do not leave on time the visa is canceled. On the other hand, in the case of an international tourist entering the US Without a visa for being from a country in the Visa Waiver Program, the maximum period of stay is 90 days. It is not possible to request an extension or change to another visa. Nor does any grace period apply.

Once the period corresponding to each person has elapsed according to their type of visa, the foreigner becomes undocumented if he remains in the United States. This is what is known in English as an overstay visa. Consequently, he could be expelled or deported, depending on the circumstances of each case. However, there are exceptions such as, for example, initiating a procedure for adjustment of status or having requested an extension or a change of visa on time.

In addition to the consequence of possible deportation, there are others that must be taken into account. In the first place, once the visa becomes invalid because of abusing the time allowed to remain in the United States it is no longer possible to successfully request an extension of the same or the change to another, in addition, it is very important that if In an undocumented situation, many doors are closed in practice to the possibility of obtaining a residence card. The reason is that it is not always possible to perform what is known as a status adjustment

domingo, 29 de septiembre de 2019

Seo local

El SEO local consiste en optimizar su página web para posicionar mejor para una audiencia local. Una página web te brinda la oportunidad de dirigir a todo el mundo en línea.

Pero si el público objetivo de tu empresa se encuentra realmente en la ciudad o cerca de la ciudad donde tienes tu oficina o tienda, también deberás practicar al menos un poco de SEO local. Necesitas actualizar el nombre de tu ciudad, optimizar los detalles de tu dirección. En resumen: debes adaptar para que las personas separen dónde encontrar y puedan encontrar. En esta publicación, trataremos de explicar qué es el SEO local, para que puedas modificar tu página web local también.

¿Qué es SEO local?

Si tienes un negocio físico, como una tienda, o tienes personas que visitan tu oficina con frecuencia, la optimización de una página web también trata de ayudar de las personas que pueden encontrar en la vida real. Pero incluso si no obtienes visitas de manera activa en tu edificio, pero se dirigen a un público que se encuentra en la misma área geográfica que tu empresa, debes adaptar para esa área. Esto es lo que llamamos "SEO local".

Una estrategia #SEO local eficaz necesita que establezcamos una estrategia clara de posicionamiento. #MarketingDigital HAGA CLIC PARA TWITTEAR

En la actualidad, la regla básica es que es la más fácil de adaptar si tiene una dirección adecuada en una región / ciudad. La cuestión es que si lo desea, por ejemplo, un área de servicio en la que no encuentra físicamente, su herramienta principal para la optimización es el contenido. Simplemente debes escribir mucho sobre esa área. Descubrimos que, a menudo, esto lleva a páginas que tienen poco que ver con el negocio en cuestión. Está claro que estas páginas solo se acepta por motivos de SEO.

Relacionado:  6 claves para tu campaña SEO

Mencionando todas las áreas

Hace poco, escuchamos a alguien decir que acababa de identificar algunas ciudades cercanas. Y eso es lo que visitaron los visitantes de estas ciudades.

Dependiendo del nicho en el que te encuentres, eso podría tener algún efecto. Pero no lo llamaríamos optimizar eficientemente. Para la mayoría de las empresas, ese tipo de estrategia no funciona tan bien. No es realmente una optimización; es solo que nadie más menciona esa área y ese producto en su página web. Si hay competencia, usa otros métodos también.

El SEO Madrid local no se trata problemas de los motores de búsqueda

Sí, hay muchas cosas que puedes hacer en línea para optimizar tu página web para una audiencia local. Pero si tienes un negocio físico, cosas como el boca a boca y un folleto impreso también específico al SEO Madrid local.

Si también mencionas tu sitio web y tus perfiles sociales en tu comunicación offline, tus seguidores de Twitter podrían aumentar, tus seguidores de Twitter podrían aumentar y el tráfico directo en tu página web aumentaría. De una forma u otra, esto también será visible para Google, indirectamente.

Entonces, de vuelta a nuestra pregunta principal: ¿qué es SEO local? El SEO local consiste en una serie de factores que te ayudan a dirigir a tu público local mediante un mejor posicionamiento en los motores de búsqueda. No solo se trata de optimización tu dirección o tu estrategia de redes sociales; son todas estas cosas combinadas las que llamamos SEO local. ¡Buena suerte optimizando!

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

la mejor plastificadora

Qué son las plastificadoras y para que se utilizan

Una maquina para plastificar es una herramienta de oficina que suele encontrarse en las imprentas, papelerías y se ha hecho más común en las empresas.

Este aparato sirve para laminado , plastificar documentos ,cubrir con un plástico (funda o laminado) ,diversos documentos y papeles. 

El plastificado protege la superficie del documento, evitando que se deteriore a causa de elementos como agua, polvo o el uso continuo. También es un procedimiento práctico porque permite escribir sobre el plastificado con rotuladores especiales que después se borran fácilmente utilizando alcohol.

itv pamplona

ITV MercaIruña – Pamplona 2019

Aquí encontrarás todo lo que necesitas para pedir Cita Previa en   ITV Pamplona Mercairuña en Berriozar y otras estaciones cercanas. 

ATENCIÓN: Obligatoria la cita previa para poder pasar la inspección.

Para pasar la Inspección Técnica de Vehículos necesita los siguientes documentos

  • La Ficha Técnica del vehículo.
  • El permiso de circulación.
  • Acreditación del Seguro Obligatorio.

CCTV legal conditions

Who can install a CCTV security camera system and where?

The installation of video surveillance devices must always be governed by a criterion of proportionality with the problem to be corrected. Installing a video surveillance camera or CCTV is very delicate. The key to discern when it should be installed and when this resource is inadequate is "proportionality", clarify from the Ministry of Interior, the Catalan Authority for Damage Protection (APDCAT) and the Il·lustre Col·legi d'Advocats de Barcelona (ICAB) in catalona,Spain for example.

Only the security forces (National Police Corps, Civil Guard or local police) can place one of these devices on public roads. Santiago Farré, head of the legal advice of the APDCAT, clarifies that public institutions - such as town halls - can also install them in some cases, but only to regulate "traffic" in very specific situations.

The deputy general director of Interior explains that the police to record on public roads need a permit from the 'conselleria'. This will only be granted if the petition has a "favorable report" from the mixed commission for the control of video surveillance devices in Catalonia, which depends on the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC).

Mounting cameras arguing for reasons of "security" has an inevitable consequence: "You also record people," said Jordi Bacaria, president of the intellectual property and image rights section of ICAB. In doing so, the "privacy" of these citizens is invaded and to violate this right there must be a justification and, above all, it must be demonstrated that there are no other resources to protect a certain objective. "If any site can be secured by putting a security guard, for example, it must be done and forget about video surveillance," Bacaria explains.

In private enclosures

A private agency, such as a pharmacy, a large commercial warehouse or a bank, can mount video surveillance devices within its enclosures. But to do so they must meet two requirements, The first is that they must sign with signs that said establishment is controlled by CCTV security system and tjhat you are being recorded, it is understood that if the posters are visible and the customer enters, they are "accessing" to be recorded. The second is that they must have for the user who requests it all the information related to this system. They are conditions of the organic data protection law (LOPD) clarified in Royal Decree 1720/2007.

The citizen is obliged to be informed of who is responsible for these cameras, he can demand that those images in which he appears be deleted and even request a copy of the sequence in which he appears. To receive it, you must provide "a photograph", detail "the time slot in which you accessed this site" and pay "the costs" that will duplicate them. Failure to comply with any of these conditions by the owner of the cameras implies a breach of the LOPD, warn Farré and Bacaria.

In the case of the controversial camera installed inside a classroom of a Spanish institute by decision of its director, the Department of Education has vetoed its use precisely because "it was not proportional", defends Bacaria. And because, in addition, in this case the people recorded were minors, a "particularly vulnerable" population.

SEO: on and offline tricks

A restaurant, in addition to good products and excellent service, needs good customer service if you want to stand out from the great competition in the sector. But that cannot be done only from the Social Networks or a web page but also on the premises itself.

We will detail 4 effective ways to join online and offline actions for your restaurant marketing.

Sweepstakes and contests on Facebook

Conducting a raffle or contest on this social network is one of the most common and effective ways to combine online and offline techniques. In this way, we invite our customers to follow our FanPage and motivate them to an action such as uploading a photo in our restaurant, commenting on a plate of our menu or answering a survey. For this action I recommend you to create a Hashtag, exclusive for your client and so in searches you can use, through a previously written statement, your photographs. The action we are asking you should have a reward focused on going to our restaurant, avoiding for example a dinner for two or the entrance to an event that we are going to organize. It is a very effective way to attract conventional customers and use social media for restaurants publicity.

Events for influencers or gastronomic bloggers

Influencer marketing is on the rise and more and more companies are making use of it to increase their sales. An effective idea is to create an event that brings together a few bloggers or gourmets in our restaurant and invites them to try our products and give feedback on their Social Networks and blogs. If we manage to attract the most influential or those who have an acceptable community of followers, we will have a lot of ground gained. We are thus combining the types of actions, digital and offline.

Cultural events in the premises

If you have a place with options to host cultural events it can be an effective way to attract customers and improve your local SEO for restaurants. Organizing exhibitions, concerts, book presentations or wine tastings for example are striking acts to which people tend to respond quite well.

Make use of e-mail marketing

The technique known as e-mail marketing is very effective and is also perfect for a restaurant, as there are many reasons why you should use this type of digital marketing. In addition to using a contact form on your website to get subscribers and data from your followers, you can obtain such information from the premises itself. You can use a QR code to obtain the email of customers that get to eat, that takes them to a contact form offering exclusive discounts or raffles encouraging the subscription. Another method is to use the so-called "social wifi", very common in hotels and some establishments, where directly the tool asks in exchange for the Wi-Fi connection, a series of actions such as email or follow-ups on different social channels. Once you have a database of your customers, you can interact with them in another way to make them feel very special, thus achieving loyalty, remember that email marketing triumphs not only when you send emails with your events and offers.

Electronic access control

What is electronic Access control system and what is it for?

Access Control Definition

The common characteristic of a home, a company and the venues for events is that they all have an access door. The main mission of a door is to control who can enter and who cannot; for example, the door of a house allows members of a family to enter, in a company it allows the entrance to employees, visitors and messengers to be controlled. This process is called access control.

The three basic components of an Access Control system are: the Door, the Lock and the Key If we want to have a higher security we can install a door sensor on top of it and thus know the status of the door, in this way any abnormal situation will trigger the alarm and notify the security company or the police.

In any case, what happens if the keys are lost, or there are many keys to find them in a short time?

In the first case we can find a locksmith who opens the door in five minutes, but this will also indicate the poor reliability of mechanical locks; In the second case, carrying a lot of keys on it involves a lot of weight and a lot of time selecting what the key we are looking for.

To avoid the above problems, electronic access controls are the perfect solution.In addition, the administrative management of an access control is very laborious.

In a traditional mechanical locking system, if a new member is added a new key is necessary, at the same time in the office paper clocks are used to control the assistance and working times of employees, which makes the count is laborious and conducive to errors and omissions.

Conversely, the introduction of a modern network access control system can simplify and improve the process simply by connecting to the Internet, entering a system web server, and adding or removing staff authorization levels, as many as you wish and know their entry and exit conditions, without altering the original basic access control system kit. Moreover, the attendance and time report can be easily generated and edited with less labor and greater precision.

Taking into account the current trend in the growth of companies have delegations in different parts of the city or country. This is the reason why a data synchronization service is needed. The creation of networks of access control systems provides a good solution to manage and control the subsidiaries of the office center, adjusting the days off in each or the working hours in a more efficient and comfortable way, so that it exceeds amply to traditional mechanical access control systems.

Re-applied for a denied visa

How to get US visa previously Denied?

If you applied for an entry visa to the United States and your US visa application was rejected, it is very likely that this is NOT a final decision and that you may reapply for a visa after 6 months. The main reason why a visa is rejected by the embassy or consulate of the United States is because the applicant did not prepare adequately for the US visa appointment and did not meet the necessary requirements according to the immigration laws of the United States.

In the refusal of your visa granted by the consulate or embassy of the United States, the reason why your visa was not approved is detailed.

  • INA Section 221 (g) - Incomplete application or supporting documentation A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 221 (g) is because the consular officer did not obtain all the information required to determine the applicant's eligibility to obtain a visa. This means that at the moment you are not eligible to obtain a visa, but your application remains open. You must present the documents required by the embassy or consulate of the United States to obtain your visa.
  • INA Section 214 (b) - Visa qualifications and immigrant intent A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 214 (b) is because The consular officer has determined that you do not qualify for a NON-IMMIGRANT visa as it did not show that you have strong social and economic ties that compels you to return to your home country once your temporary stay in the United States has ended.
  • INA Section 212 (a) (2) - Criminal and related ineligibilities A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 212 (a) (2) is because the officer Consular has determined that the applicant has links to organized crime or is involved in illegal activities such as fraud, assault, theft, evades taxes, kidnapping, drug trafficking, human trafficking, hidden vices, prostitution, drug use and narcotics and / or has been jailed for a crime for which the sentence was 5 years or more.

This section has quite a few variants and is not limited to the list of offenses described above.

  1. INA Section 212 (a) (6) (C) (i) - Fraud and Misrepresentation A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 212 (a) (6) (c ) (i) it is because the consular officer has determined that the applicant has used forged or fraudulent information at the time of applying for his visa.
  2. INA Section 212 (a) (9) (B) (i) - Unlawful Presence in the United States A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 212 (a) (9 ) (B) (i) is because the consular officer has determined that the applicant has been in the United States illegally. This may be because the individual has remained in the country for a longer period than was authorized by the United States government or because he was in the country without any authorization.
  3. INA Section 212 (a) (4) - Public Charge A visa that has been denied or a visa previously denied under section 212 (a) (4) is because the consular officer has determined that the applicant does not It has sufficient financial resources to travel in the United States and will therefore become a “public office,” which may become completely dependent on the financial support of the US government. to survive

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2019

Biometric Access control

Biometric reading is based on the personal and non-transferable character that each human being has associated in some of their physical traits or patterns. It is a very reliable and safe type of reading due to this difficulty of matching in two patterns.

It also provides a great advantage and comfort, as is the one that the "key" access is carried by the integrated person. This also implies that it cannot be stolen or lost, the key is also extremely economical (not the system of recognition of said "key") and against counterfeiting or duplication it will be extremely expensive.

Until recently, this access control system is used to be associated with access control to high security places, but today it is common to see biometric systems to access CPD centers, offices, or even for signing in the workplace.

Biometric Systems Techniques

The physical or behavioral traits that could be used to distinguish one human being from another are very diverse and varied. Many of these features are not currently applicable, because they do not have the reading technology that supports them.

Access control system types of biometric systems

  • Facial Recognition A camera takes the image of a face, and measures the distances and proportions between the points that separate the inner and outer part of the eyes, the nose, and the mouth mainly. Although it reports the advantage of being able to archive a photo or video sequence along with the signing of the access made, it is a system with a too high failure rate (scars, glasses, cap, beard, etc.)
  • Iris recognition. Reading with a high level of reliability and safety, the only inconvenience it poses is to be somewhat intrusive when having to have an eye scan.
  • Retina recognition. System even more reliable than iris recognition as it is practically impossible to duplicate or deceive. However, it is even more expensive and intrusive, which is why it is not a common system.
  • Fingerprint recognition. It is the oldest and most economical biometric system. It also has the advantage of being very comfortable to use. On the other hand, the fingerprint reading raises other important drawbacks: hygiene problem when contact exists, reading problem with dirty hands, it is relatively easy to copy a fingerprint and therefore deceive the system, it can also generate some suspicion in users for associating to the police environment. Despite these problems, it is the ideal access control system kit, for installations without a high need for security.
  • Recognition Characteristics of the Hand. Technology based on measuring the shape of the perimeter of the hand. It shares the disadvantages of fingerprint reading, also adding a higher cost and lower reliability. This is due in part to a lower development of this technology, which makes it inadvisable for most applications.
  • Recognition of the characteristics of the palm of the hand. This technology is applied to the reading of folds, fingerprints, wrinkles and other unique characteristics in each human being in the palm of the hand. System similar to fingerprint reading with the important advantage of being able to perform scanning without physical contact.

SEO & SEM for restaurants

SEO and SEM strategies applied in restaurant marketing

These two strategies refer to two different ways of being present in Google. In the first place, SEO (search engine optimization) represents a permanent effort so that the website of the business is in the first sites that the search engine throws. To do this, Google uses a series of rules or search guidelines

For its part, the SEM strategy (search engine marketing) is much more similar to an investment in advertising. Through it, advertisers will appear in a search first (the word ad appears) and has an associated cost. Applying the local SEO for restaurants rules, "the easy task" is done to Google to identify your website. This not only puts the most visited sites in the top positions, but also associates the searched keyword with the content within the web. Therefore, to improve the location of your page with SEO, you have to do the following:

  • The keywords must be in the text, in the images and in the link.
  • The content must be constantly updated.
  • The text inside the images should not be abused. Remember that Google reads text, you cannot read images. It will always be advisable to have the advice of an SEO specialist. This can help you program the web in such a way that it is easily identifiable by the search engine.

Other ways to position your restaurant brand on the Internet

  1. Permanently update the website. Upload new images, post news, renew the letter, add videos; In other words, have updated content.
  2. Do not hide the prices. The customer wants to know how much it will cost to consume in your restaurant. But that does not take away the possibility of making promotions that lead to an interaction on the web. Some businesses are even aiming to give exclusive offers if users arrive online. Bembos is an emblematic case of the latter.
  3. Generate specific content for the web. People want less publicity and more stories, so it is recommended that restaurant pages have anecdotes, videos, post or images. The goal is to generate not only traffic but also that users are interested in the content.
  4. Have a presence on sites like TripAdvisor. These are not only visited by foreigners; On many occasions, local residents also review reviews of restaurants they have not visited. Even this page appears first in the search of some brands before the same business website, and you can use social media for restaurants promotion too
  5. Adapt the page to mobile devices and use a friendly design. In the digital age, it is imperative that your website can be read comfortably on both cell phones, tablets, computers or laptops.
  6. From a brand and marketing perspective, the benefits of having a website and keeping it updated are incalculable. There is no better way to tell your story and convey your message than with inspiring and tasteful web content that reflects the unique value of your restaurant brand. Your website presents a wonderful opportunity to provide compelling information to the most demanding customers 24 hours a day

How CCTV works?

How does a closed circuit TV work?

A CCTV is basically formed by cameras, a transmission medium, monitors, recording systems, data recording and some other complementary elements, such as lenses and storage and processing devices for the information collected.

Its operation is simple: CCTV security camera captures the images of the areas that are being monitored, which are then transmitted to the monitors that reproduce them using different media, such as coaxial cable, fiber optic, UTP cables or the most modern wireless systems, which do not need cables of any kind.

Based on this base scheme, current technology allows CCTV systems to be complexed, adapting to the available budget, the needs of the locations to be monitored and other factors. What you have to keep in mind is that an ideal closed-circuit TV system provides many advantages

CCTV system advantages

  • Allow a facility with large public flow to be open and, in turn, safe and secure.
  • Monitor the perimeters and places of access to your organization, urbanization, educational campus, or others, to detect the presence of unauthorized persons and launch attack procedures if necessary.
  • See in real time what is happening in the monitored areas, both through specially dedicated monitors, such as tablets, computers or smartphones.
  • Provide the possibility to record and access important events stored easily and quickly, choosing the desired programming of the video recorder.
  • Connect the CCTV with other alarm systems and enable the sending of notices of these devices to the monitoring monitors, and keep you posted about any irregular situation that may happened at the moment.

US visa for medical reasons

Humanitarian visa

Surely you have heard about the visa to visit a sick relative or visas for medical treatment that can be processed in a short time, all in order to travel to the United States in a short time to solve an emergency situation. If you are in a similar situation you must wonder how to get a US visa of that kind?

The United States Citizenship and Immigration Service is responsible for receiving and resolving applications, with an estimated time of between 90 and 120 days, although in many cases if it is a family member's visa or an urgent situation is possible to have the answer in less than a week.

The immigration department processes about 1,200 emergency visa forms for the United States annually and only about 300 are approved immediately. When an American visa petition is rejected, it cannot be appealed. It can only be requested again in case the situation changes or there are other documents to present.

The humanitarian visa, whose application costs just over US $ 300, is synonymous with an American express visa and a humanitarian parole visa, so you must keep it in mind if your lawyer or the official representatives of the American government use these terms during the process.


In addition to making it impossible for the person to obtain a temporary visa, US immigration law defines several circumstances in which it is permissible to apply for emergency visas:

  • For medical reasons, either a visa to visit a sick relative or one of the visas for personal medical treatment.
  • To testify in a criminal or civil trial.
  • In specific cases of family reunification that qualify for a humanitarian parole visa. For an important public benefit that the authorities will analyze in detail before issuing their final criteria.

Steps to apply for a humanitarian visa

There are some key forms to present the official petition for an American express visa and the rest of the documents or letters will depend on who the applicant is, since everything changes if it is a personal procedure, if it is a lawyer who carries out the process or if it is a sponsor who presents the instance from the US territory. Only in this case the US visa application can be submit for another person on behave of the applicant .

If it is an emergency visa case for personal medical reasons, the respective documentation must be attached to justify the application, confirm the diagnosis and current status of the disease and explain why the person cannot receive such treatment or surgery in their country of home.

Although it is a visa process for humanitarian reasons, the US government will only approve applications that show sufficient financial funds to cover the costs of medical treatment and stay in case it is a family member's visa.

Differences between humanitarian visa and tourist visa

The humanitarian parole visa is a procedure received, evaluated and resolved by the United States immigration service and not by the consulate, where temporary visas are processed ordinarily. However, there will be a US visa appointment set by the immigration service.

A person receiving a US humanitarian visa can remain in the United States for up to one year, much more than the usual period of several weeks granted by the authorities for tourists.

Waiting list on Google

The latest news from Google is managing waiting lists in restaurants

Some successful restaurants have such demand that it is very difficult for the average consumer to reserve a table. In some Latin American countries it is customary to be included in a waiting list in restaurants, perhaps in Europe it is more common to relaunch a reservation.

Following the usual procedure seen in physical establishments, Google now allows us to enter a kind of queue that will give us the opportunity to reserve when there is a free space. The novelty comes from the hand of DineTime, one of the utilities integrated in the Reserve with Google software package. Thus, restaurants that want to take advantage of this technology for there restaurant marketing update, must have a DineTime account.

Google Reserve

This will allow them to keep the number of diners close to the maximum capacity of the establishment, as well as provide a better service to those users who feel frustrated at not being able to eat at their favorite place.

The inclusion of the “JOIN WAITLIST” option or entering the waiting list has been discovered by a Canadian and local SEO for restaurants expert, Sergey Alakov. Given the characteristics of the function, with no official announcement at the moment, little has transcended the actual capabilities of the tool, conjectures predominate.

However, it is known that DineTime also has an Alexa integration module, so it is not crazy to think that the new utility will also have voice and speech recognition.

This will allow them to keep the number of diners close to the maximum capacity of the establishment, as well as provide a better service to those users who feel frustrated at not being able to eat at their favorite place.

QSR Automations

Reserve with Google is a very recent bet of the Alphabet subsidiary, which is why it is not yet available outside of North America, where it can be used in the US. UU. and Canada However, the program is focused on the global market, so it is only a matter of time that reservations and payments through Google are available in Spain and other Hispanic countries.

Online booking platforms for restaurants such as OpenTable or Reserve keep an eye on the news coming from the information giants Google and Facebook, as these companies are consolidating their activities as financial intermediaries in the commercial world. The restaurants represent a sector that moves billions of euros a year, so that’s why there’s no surprise that social media for restaurants use has just grown lately.

At the moment the advances are shy but effective. Reserve with Google users will be able to click on the "JOIN WAITLIST" button that is located just above the description of the establishment so that they do not have to consult every two times if there is a free table. One step ahead of user comfort.

Cars accesss system

HID proximity cards

The access control system will allow you to control, through a hid proximity card, the Access of Personnel and visitors to your facilities


The access control systems, allow to expand the surveillance and security expectations of the facilities, increasing the efficiency in the production, backup and safekeeping operations with a high degree of reliability. Security directors, recognize proximity cards and HID readers as the industry standard for physical access control.

HID proximity products are strong and accessible and integrate seamlessly with access control systems. Currently, technical, human and material resources require a high degree of security and integrity, which is why their custody and administration is paramount, for this reason that automated access control system kit arise, which allow to broaden the expectations of surveillance and security of any institution, thereby increasing the efficiency in the operational activities of production, safeguarding and safeguarding of the human and material resources of the institutions and with the least amount of human elements possible and with a high degree of reliability. These systems can be adapted to any situation regardless of size, environment or logistics. Currently these types of systems are used by large industries, military installations, banks, airports, hotels, government offices, refineries, corporations, residences, etc. in general, institutions where a high priority has been established in their access control systems and physical and logical security.

Summary and Main Features

A dual frequency HID smart card allows a smooth migration of 125 kHz proximity technology to the Seos high-frequency future proof. This card allows customers to maximize their investment with the simultaneous support of the low frequency proximity technology widely adopted along with the high security of the Seos solution. The credential incorporates a standards-based Seos application to securely manage and authenticate identities.

Supplied as a programmable solution for maximum flexibility, the smart card offers expanded memory for additional user applications, which can be programmed or updated over the life of the card. By leveraging the HID Global data model, Secure Identity Object® (SIO®), which consists of protected data objects (encrypted and signed), organizations can distribute, manage and secure identities across a variety of devices different phones.

Main advantages:

  • Technology independent security - Provides multilayer security beyond device technology and supports multiple SIOs in a single credential for individual protection of each application identity data
  • Increased security - Cutting-edge cryptography for data confidentiality and strong authentication to protect contactless communications between the card and the reader
  • Increased privacy - Does not communicate any traceable identifier during card sessions to prevent card data from being disclosed or cloned by unauthorized third parties
  • Portable - As an open, standards-based solution that supports future technologies, the Seos application is portable for smartphones and other media and stores data for multiple applications on a single card or device
  • Part of the HID Global iCLASS SE® platform - The platform is based on its SIO and Trusted Identity Platform® (TIP ™) data model to increase security, adaptability and interoperability

Local police uses CCTV

CCTV for local police monitoring

A Colombian City Hall puts into operation its new monitoring center to provide better and more agile attention to the inhabitants of the municipality in emergency situations A local CCTV system building company will be the technical operator of the solution, will ensure the operation of the system and will be responsible for its technological update. The benefit is based on the technological support that you will receive from the company that will allow agile attention to emergency situations and criminal risks, optimizing times and resources by unifying a command post formed by the National Police, the Fire Department and the Ministry of Transit.

This agreement with the private security sector has an initial period of 24 months, where the company as a technology operator will be responsible for the technological update and proper functioning of the implemented system.

Hector Augusto Monsalve Restrepo, mayor of Copacabana, said that the monitoring center will pay attention 24 hours a day to act effectively in the event of any occurrence, and ensures that crime reduction rates can go down to 70 percent.

Public and private support

The Monitoring Center is located in the Municipal Palace, it has three work stations for receiving calls and dispatching service units. The monitoring of the tracks is done through the Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) visualization system of the Municipality, with an equipment of 10 CCTV security cameras with a range of approximately two kilometers and 360-degree rotation. For the current year, it is projected to buy 10 more cameras and create a Mobile Immediate Attention Center.

The municipal administration has invested more than 600 million pesos for security resources, strengthening CCTV and campaigns to prevent violence and promote coexistence, increasing from 2 to 4 quadrants, increasing uniformed police with staff (2 vans and 6 motorcycles).

Currently in the municipality of Copacabana, police operations can be multiplied with the technological collaboration of this Telecommunications company, allowing an efficient response to security issues.

Green card for the USA

How to get a US visa by lottery?

The green card lottery

The letters will be returned to foreigners who aspire to legally emigrate to the United States with a green card in hand. More than 50,000 individuals and their families can aspire to achieve the American dream in 2021 by the simplest path that also does not cost money. The US State Department announced Thursday that it will randomly draw up to a maximum of 55,000 Diversity Visas through the program known as the Visa Lottery, corresponding to fiscal year 2021.

Green Card, requirements to be considered

Registration for the 2021 green card lottery will begin on Wednesday, October 2, 2019 and the deadline for qualification will remain open until Tuesday, November 5 of this year, the Department said in a guide with instructions to participate.

If you are selected in the DV-2021 program, you have the right to do a US visa application during that fiscal year, between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021, diplomatic authorities reported. The Diversity Visa program provides permanent residence visas to nationals of countries with low immigration rates to the United States in the last five years. Any foreigner who meets two requirements can participate in the Visa Lottery, one of which is to be born in countries that qualify.

The countries excluded for fiscal year 2021 (DV-2021) are: Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada, China (born on the continent), Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, India, Jamaica, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan , Philippines, South Korea, United Kingdom (except Northern Ireland) and its dependent territories, and Vietnam.

In addition, applicants are required to have graduated from secondary education or its equivalent, or have two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training, within the last five years, all documentation must be taken at the US visa appointment. More than 23 million people around the world, applicants and their families or “derivatives,” attempted this year to legally immigrate to the United States through the DV-2020 lottery program. The most benefited by the raffle in Latin America and the Caribbean were the Cuban participants, who added 2,703 selected, followed by Venezuelans.

How to participate in the 2021 visa lottery

Applicants must submit their registration form and only one registration is allowed per person, otherwise the candidate is disqualified. After registering online, the green card applicant will see a confirmation screen with his name and confirmation number that he must print to verify if he is chosen among the winners. People who already live in the United States with nonimmigrant status can also participate, provided their country of origin is included.

The US government will make the selection through a randomized computer drawing and distribute visas among six geographic regions. The foreign policy agency indicates that as of the next draw DV-2021 will require foreign citizens a valid and valid passport to participate. Until now it was not necessary to have a valid passport to participate, although it is necessary for the interview at the United States embassy or consulate that the winners of the program must pass before emigrating.



Para aquellos de ustedes que se han ido de vacaciones en familia y están buscando horarios en Torres, hemos seleccionado algunas opciones para que aprovechen al máximo el tiempo en la playa y región gaucha más hermosa de Brasil.

En Rio Grande do Sul, en la frontera con Santa Catarina, está el municipio de Torres. El nombre no es casual: el lugar está lleno de acantilados que salpican el paseo marítimo y que, por supuesto, ofrecen unas vistas maravillosas.

Torres tiene opciones para los que disfrutan bañándose en el mar, para los que aman los deportes, para los que no dejan de comer bien e incluso para los turistas que aman la cultura. ¿Aún no conoces este destino? Luego vea algunas de las atracciones imperdibles y las playas más hermosas de la Capital Brasileña del Vuelo en Globo.

Torres está a poco más de 200 kilómetros de Porto Alegre. La distancia a una de las principales playas de Santa Catarina,  Florianópolis, a su vez, es de 274 km. El acceso se realiza por la BR-101 o por la Estrada do Mar (para los que vienen del Sur).

Tiempo de Torres

En general, Torres tiene un clima suave la mayor parte del año. Los veranos, en cambio, suelen estar marcados por temperaturas muy altas, que en ocasiones superan los 35°C. Febrero es el período más caluroso, mientras que noviembre y diciembre son los meses más lluviosos.

Playas de Torres para que te relajes durante el viaje

En Torres encontrarás playas pequeñas y tranquilas, rodeadas de naturaleza y con increíbles animales marinos. Conozca un poco más sobre estos rincones de sombra y agua dulce:

1. isla de los lobos

¿Ha pensado alguna vez en estar cerca de los lobos marinos en medio de la tierra de Rio Grande do Sul? Esto es posible en esta isla, que funciona como una reserva ecológica, y que también tiene aves de diferentes especies. Los paseos en bote hasta el lugar duran aproximadamente una hora y permiten la observación de animales.

2. Playa de Cal

Una de las opciones favoritas de los surfistas, Praia da Cal tiene un mar agitado y olas fuertes. Hay una buena infraestructura en el sitio, con varios quioscos y restaurantes. La vista de las montañas cercanas a la playa es bastante diferente.

Paseo Costero y Espacio Marino

Paseo interpretativo bajo la supervisión de un conductor local con formación en geografía y oceanografía, pasando por el centro interpretativo de Espaço Mar, Prainha, Praia da Cal, Torre do Meio, visitando sus cuevas y Praia da Guarita, siendo abordados temas relacionados con la formación de la Costa Norte de Rio Grande do Sul en sus aspectos naturales, históricos y culturales.

Salidas con al menos 10 personas en el valor de R$40,00 reales por persona.

City Tour en Torres

Puede visitar los principales puntos turísticos y playas de la ciudad con un guía registrado en el Ministerio de Turismo.

El tour, que dura aproximadamente 2h30min, incluye visitas al Parque Guarita, Praia da Cal, Igreja São Domingos, Morro do Farol, Prainha, Praia Grande, Praia dos Molhes, Barra do Rio Mampituba, Ponte Pênsil, Centro, Praça XV y Lagoa do Violão. Salidas con al menos 20 personas en el valor de R$35,00 por persona.

Sendero Interpretativo en el PEVA (Parque Estatal de Itapeva)

La actividad consiste en salir de Torres hacia el Parque Estatal Itapeva (PEVA), donde, junto con un profesional de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente del Estado (SEMA), se construirá un sendero de fácil acceso con aproximadamente 700 metros en medio del bosque nativo dentro del área del parque.

Esta actividad identificará algunas especies de fauna y flora local características de la Mata Atlántica. Salidas de lunes a viernes a las 9:30 a.m. y 2:30 p.m. con al menos 5 personas por un monto de R$45.00 por persona.

El precio incluye transporte, kit de snack, sendero, agua mineral.  Nota: Es importante recordar que el profesional proporcionado por SEMA no genera ningún costo para el visitante.

La actividad de monitoreo en el sendero es cortesía del PEVA porque es un plan de acción para la Educación Ambiental desarrollado en la temporada de verano.

Visita al Morro dos Macacos

Durante el recorrido se visita la vecina localidad de Passo de Torres (SC), donde se conocerán dos propiedades:

el Morro dos Macacos, una propiedad privada donde se realizará una corta caminata en medio del bosque nativo y se podrá apreciar el Macaco Prego, característico del lugar; y el Criatório São Lucas, una propiedad privada donde se podrán conocer varias especies de aves exóticas de la región, siendo éstas legalizadas por los organismos responsables.

El recorrido debe completarse al mediodía. Salidas con al menos 20 personas en el valor de R$38,00 por persona.

Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra - Cañón del Itaimbezinho

Paisajes para llenar tus ojos y emociones en medio de una naturaleza exuberante. Dentro del Parque, acompañados por un Guía (MTUR), se recorrerán dos senderos para ver las paredes y bordes del cañón.

El sendero Vertex Trail se hace por los bordes del cañón. En una hora de marcha es posible llegar a un mirador de las cascadas de Andorinhas y Véu de Noiva. El sendero Elbow Trail dura unas tres horas y domina las paredes y el borde del cañón.

Desde el sendero del Vértice se puede ver la Cascada de las Golondrinas, a unos 100 metros y el Velo de la Novia, a unos dos kilómetros. Salidas con al menos 15 personas en el valor de R$98,00 por persona.

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2019

Las mejores cámaras de seguridad para el hogar del año 2020

Revisamos las mejores cámaras de seguridad del mercado y las clasificamos en nuestra lista de favoritas.

Compare los mejores sistemas de cámaras de seguridad

. Nido de la cámara - Mejor cámara de seguridad para el hogar en general

La cámara Ring Cam encabeza nuestra lista como la mejor cámara de bricolaje y fácil de usar. Está diseñado para durar y cuenta con la tecnología más avanzada que cabría esperar de un producto propiedad de Google. Es la manera inteligente de asegurar su nido.

La cámara RingCam es quizás uno de los nombres más reconocibles en las cámaras de seguridad para el hogar hoy en día. Ofrece una amplia gama de beneficios, incluyendo una durabilidad excepcional y una facilidad general de instalación. Nido permite a los usuarios acceder a su cámara desde cualquier lugar con su teléfono. Funciona bien incluso cuando está oscuro, lloviendo o bajo el sol. Ofrece una variedad de características que hacen que asegurar su casa sea un poco más fácil de hacer.

La cámara Ring Cam es el tipo de cámara de seguridad para el hogar que usted necesita cuando se trata de proteger su hogar. La cámara de seguridad de la empresa es altamente fiable y reconoce rápidamente las acciones que ocurren en un espacio. Proporciona una alerta inmediata al smartphone del usuario. Y, a partir de ahí, el usuario tiene opciones. Él o ella puede simplemente contactar a la policía, o pueden usar el componente de voz para interactuar con la persona en la casa. Esto puede ahuyentar a un intruso, o puede ayudar a aclarar por qué alguien está presente.

. Arlo Camera - Best DIY Install Camera

La instalación es pan comido con Arlo. Si dispone de 30 minutos de tiempo libre, estará equipado con una protección inalámbrica de calidad para interiores y exteriores. Eso no es todo - Arlo ofrece muchas opciones de cámaras con muchas funciones.

La cámara de seguridad doméstica Arlo puede ser una muy buena opción por muchas razones: es muy fácil de usar, fácil de acceder y se instala en menos de 30 minutos. Los propietarios también tienen una amplia gama de opciones de cámaras para elegir (con opciones económicas). El sistema de la compañía es completamente inalámbrico y ofrece visión nocturna. Aquí está nuestro desglose de las cámaras de seguridad de Arlo.

. Netatmo - Mejor reconocimiento facial

La empresa francesa Netatmo conoce la seguridad en el hogar. Obtenga cámaras de calidad cargadas con funciones como reconocimiento facial y detección inteligente de movimiento. Y no hay cuotas mensuales que te agobien.

La cámara de seguridad para el hogar Netatmo es quizás uno de los productos más buscados por sus recientes críticas. Esta compañía tiene un fuerte nivel de servicio al cliente y una buena reputación por proporcionar un producto sólido. Tiene equipos duraderos y bien construidos y cierta flexibilidad en su línea de productos. Aquí hay una mirada más cercana.



Para aquellos de ustedes que se han ido de vacaciones en familia y están buscando horarios en Torres, hemos seleccionado algunas opciones para que aprovechen al máximo el tiempo en la playa y región gaucha más hermosa de Brasil.

En Rio Grande do Sul, en la frontera con Santa Catarina, está el municipio de Torres. El nombre no es casual: el lugar está lleno de acantilados que salpican el paseo marítimo y que, por supuesto, ofrecen unas vistas maravillosas.

Torres tiene opciones para los que disfrutan bañándose en el mar, para los que aman los deportes, para los que no dejan de comer bien e incluso para los turistas que aman la cultura. ¿Aún no conoces este destino? Luego vea algunas de las atracciones imperdibles y las playas más hermosas de la Capital Brasileña del Vuelo en Globo.

Torres está a poco más de 200 kilómetros de Porto Alegre. La distancia a una de las principales playas de Santa Catarina,  Florianópolis, a su vez, es de 274 km. El acceso se realiza por la BR-101 o por la Estrada do Mar (para los que vienen del Sur).

Tiempo de Torres

En general, Torres tiene un clima suave la mayor parte del año. Los veranos, en cambio, suelen estar marcados por temperaturas muy altas, que en ocasiones superan los 35°C. Febrero es el período más caluroso, mientras que noviembre y diciembre son los meses más lluviosos.

Playas de Torres para que te relajes durante el viaje

En Torres encontrarás playas pequeñas y tranquilas, rodeadas de naturaleza y con increíbles animales marinos. Conozca un poco más sobre estos rincones de sombra y agua dulce:

1. isla de los lobos

¿Ha pensado alguna vez en estar cerca de los lobos marinos en medio de la tierra de Rio Grande do Sul? Esto es posible en esta isla, que funciona como una reserva ecológica, y que también tiene aves de diferentes especies. Los paseos en bote hasta el lugar duran aproximadamente una hora y permiten la observación de animales.

2. Playa de Cal

Una de las opciones favoritas de los surfistas, Praia da Cal tiene un mar agitado y olas fuertes. Hay una buena infraestructura en el sitio, con varios quioscos y restaurantes. La vista de las montañas cercanas a la playa es bastante diferente.

Paseo Costero y Espacio Marino

Paseo interpretativo bajo la supervisión de un conductor local con formación en geografía y oceanografía, pasando por el centro interpretativo de Espaço Mar, Prainha, Praia da Cal, Torre do Meio, visitando sus cuevas y Praia da Guarita, siendo abordados temas relacionados con la formación de la Costa Norte de Rio Grande do Sul en sus aspectos naturales, históricos y culturales.

Salidas con al menos 10 personas en el valor de R$40,00 reales por persona.

City Tour en Torres

Puede visitar los principales puntos turísticos y playas de la ciudad con un guía registrado en el Ministerio de Turismo.

El tour, que dura aproximadamente 2h30min, incluye visitas al Parque Guarita, Praia da Cal, Igreja São Domingos, Morro do Farol, Prainha, Praia Grande, Praia dos Molhes, Barra do Rio Mampituba, Ponte Pênsil, Centro, Praça XV y Lagoa do Violão. Salidas con al menos 20 personas en el valor de R$35,00 por persona.

Sendero Interpretativo en el PEVA (Parque Estatal de Itapeva)

La actividad consiste en salir de Torres hacia el Parque Estatal Itapeva (PEVA), donde, junto con un profesional de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente del Estado (SEMA), se construirá un sendero de fácil acceso con aproximadamente 700 metros en medio del bosque nativo dentro del área del parque.

Esta actividad identificará algunas especies de fauna y flora local características de la Mata Atlántica. Salidas de lunes a viernes a las 9:30 a.m. y 2:30 p.m. con al menos 5 personas por un monto de R$45.00 por persona.

El precio incluye transporte, kit de snack, sendero, agua mineral.  Nota: Es importante recordar que el profesional proporcionado por SEMA no genera ningún costo para el visitante.

La actividad de monitoreo en el sendero es cortesía del PEVA porque es un plan de acción para la Educación Ambiental desarrollado en la temporada de verano.

Visita al Morro dos Macacos

Durante el recorrido se visita la vecina localidad de Passo de Torres (SC), donde se conocerán dos propiedades:

el Morro dos Macacos, una propiedad privada donde se realizará una corta caminata en medio del bosque nativo y se podrá apreciar el Macaco Prego, característico del lugar; y el Criatório São Lucas, una propiedad privada donde se podrán conocer varias especies de aves exóticas de la región, siendo éstas legalizadas por los organismos responsables.

El recorrido debe completarse al mediodía. Salidas con al menos 20 personas en el valor de R$38,00 por persona.

Parque Nacional Aparados da Serra - Cañón del Itaimbezinho

Paisajes para llenar tus ojos y emociones en medio de una naturaleza exuberante. Dentro del Parque, acompañados por un Guía (MTUR), se recorrerán dos senderos para ver las paredes y bordes del cañón.

El sendero Vertex Trail se hace por los bordes del cañón. En una hora de marcha es posible llegar a un mirador de las cascadas de Andorinhas y Véu de Noiva. El sendero Elbow Trail dura unas tres horas y domina las paredes y el borde del cañón.

Desde el sendero del Vértice se puede ver la Cascada de las Golondrinas, a unos 100 metros y el Velo de la Novia, a unos dos kilómetros. Salidas con al menos 15 personas en el valor de R$98,00 por persona.

SEO strategies to use in Las Vegas

Have a business in Las Vegas? You might not be the Bellagio Hotel on the strip, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get noticed online. If you’re ready to grow your business, turn to an expert in

Las Vegas  SEO to make it happen. With local SEO comes a better understanding of your target audience and a better ROI for your marketing dollar. A Las Vegas SEO company can make all the difference.

Four SEO Strategies to use in Your Las Vega  Business

1. Build the Right Keyword 

Good keyword research and optimization has to:

Optimize your site for keywords across pages and in headings

Find the right keywords to reach your local customers

Build keywords around user intent with useful content

Factor in price to advertise a keyword to balance a marketing budget

Determine organic ranking difficulty

2. Keep Your Site Timely and Targeted

General hints aren’t enough: you need to get highly targeted SEO that brings people to you at the moment they’re ready to make a decision. To do this, your SEO company Las Vegas will adapt your campaign to reach local people who need your product or services specifically by building the perfect keywords.

3. Sharpen Your Competitive Edge

A local expert will be familiar with all the businesses like yours in the area, to know how their do business and keeping up with the new tendencies, will give you a place ahead to make it on top of that specific market your trying to reach, Las Vegas SEO experts can tweak your strategy in real-time based on how your competitors are doing.

4. Reveal Your Target Audience

Experts with local Las Vegas expertise are familiar with the important  aspect of the people you need to reach, including:

General demographics

Political ideals to leverage (or avoid)

Social values that drive effective advertising

General and specific need for your product or services

If you're not getting SEO connected for your business, find a Las Vegas SEO company to put your business on the map; if you don’t do it,  will be a sin for your investment with a huge bill consequence